Texas Border Ranchers Fear for Their Lives and Families – Ask Veterans for Help

Texas border rancher vows to stand and fight the cartels, saying “There’s no backup in me” and calls on Texas veterans to join him in stopping the cartels from taking over Texas ranches along the border with Mexico.
These bastards [cartel members] are going through the valley, alright? They’re sending people up to Houston, St. Louis, any town where they’ve got a population over ten people, and they’re going up North to your backyards, moving in next door to you, they’re gonna be your neighbors, and think about it, if you’re doing shift work, and you go to work at night, or you’re going to the bowling league, and your wife and kids, your grandkids, are at home, these self-same guys are gonna walk in on your family. What the hell are you gonna do about it? You gonna come home, outside of crying are you gonna do anything, are you gonna do something now, before it gets to that point? I’m doing my crying all the day. Everyday. That’s my message to them. They’re going to your backyard. You’ve got a chance to stop em. Do you stand back, or do you go forward? There’s no backup in me. I want somebody to join me. Don’t backup to these bastards. Don’t. We got too much to lose. Don’t lose as much as I have, please. [in reference to his relatives in Mexico, who were recently killed by the cartel]. – Texas Rancher “Rusty” MonseeRanchers along the Texas side of the border with Mexico are in fear for their lives and the lives of their families, as they face a Mexican drug cartel takeover of their ranches and nearby ranches. Below are two interviews with Texas ranchers who own land on the border. Both describe how the American people are being lied to, and not told the truth about what is really happening on the border.
First up is an audio interview with lifelong Texas border rancher, Cuban “Rusty” Monsees (who is also joined by Rob, one of the patriot volunteers helping to guard Rusty’s ranch):
Rusty describes how the Mexican drug cartels are taking over Texas border ranches and using death threats, assault, and attempted murder to drive ranchers and their families off of their land. He tells how some of his neighbors are fleeing their ranches, while others are standing firm with the help of volunteer patriot security patrols.
He explains how the politicians and agency talking heads from Washington DC on down to corrupt locals, are all lying to the American people and not telling how ranchers are being overrun and attacked by a foreign enemy, on U.S. soil. Rusty describes how the border is in fact wide open, with cartel drug and human traffic smugglers bringing anything they want, and anyone they want, across, including multiple incidents of illegal aliens from Muslim nations, and even known terrorists on the U.S. Terrorism Wanted list.
In the interview Rusty describes Border Patrol intercepting Muslim men from Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and says “when they [Border Patrol] take them in, they’ll disappear – they’ll take them somewhere – and even the records will disappear. And I asked one of them ‘what’s the deal on the records’ and he said ‘that’s an order from way up the line, up in DC – they don’t want anybody to know how many are coming through’…they [the local Border Patrol agents] keep records but the records disappear, out of the mainframe – out of the computer – and the paper records too.”
Rob, an out-of-state Oath Keepers member who has been serving as a volunteer guard on Rusty’s ranch for the past month, adds that:
[they] had six middle eastern males on Rusty’s property [which Border Patrol was able to catch] … all I know is they were Muslim. I wasn’t told a whole lot of information about it. I do know they had told me they had caught eleven of the same group, the week prior to that, that had been on our United States terrorist wanted list [for acts against the United States] – not watch, but wanted list. And this is the kind of stuff that they are not releasing to the public, they’re not allowed to release it.When asked what happened to those men on the Terrorist Wanted List, Rob said:
They were caught and they were turned over to Homeland Security, and everything pretty much disappeared like what Rusty was saying. None of that is any public information or anything like that, so they don’t want it to be public. [ the BP is not allowed to tell anyone that known terrorists are coming across the border]. They aren’t allowed to speak about it. The only thing we [the American public] hear about is women and kids… and when they make huge drug busts, that’s what we hear about. We don’t hear about the gang-bangers coming across, we don’t hear about the terrorists coming across. We don’t hear about the violence going down on the border. I had a rancher call me last week, and begging for help on 15,000 acres. He had been moved off his ranch because he doesn’t feel safe with his family there. He’s been shot at and threatened. We don’t hear that [on the news].Rob says that particular rancher moved off his ranch two weeks ago, because he doesn’t have enough men to guard it against takeover by the cartels. Rob adds:
you’re having that all along the border. You have people like Rusty who are sticking by it, and are not backing down. Cause, who’s gonna want to buy Rusty’s house, who’s gonna wanna buy Fernando’s house? With the violence going on along the border. They can’t afford to sell their house and move because they’re not going to get anything out of it. They’re forced to abandon it [the 15,000 acre ranch], and move away or else stand their ground.That same rancher is now asking Rob to try to bring in enough volunteers to help him protect his ranch from the cartels.
In the interview, Rusty also describes attacks on lone Border Patrol agents, during day and at night, telling how one officer suffered a broken leg, broken arm, crushed sternum, and eight broken ribs, and how the illegals “stomped on him so bad they thought he was dead, and they stripped off his uniform, got his backup [handgun], his service automatic, went to the unit, they got the tac vest … they got the M-4, all the ammunition, and … all the comm[unications] equipment.” Rusty says this has happened “about six times.”
Rusty goes on to alert us to the threat of child abduction and attempted abduction, and tells us that the cartels sell kidnapped children into sex slavery and forced prostitution:
They steal kids. Literally, they steal kids. Depending on how good looking they are, they’re gonna start at $35,00.00 to $45,000.00 dollars per kid. Blond haired, blue eyed little boy, little girl, is anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000.00 dollars, depending on how old they are. The older they are, particularly for girls, the more the price goes up. There’s been some girls that have been missing here, for five years from Brownsville, they were stolen when they were thirteen. One of them was found in a whorehouse in Mexico City. Her parents bought her out [from the cartels]– they bought her out for a million-five.Rusty also describes how only two months ago a cousin of his from Mexico, Jose, and his wife and kids, were murdered by the Cartel:
I had an extended family in Mexico … the last cousins I had – step cousins, if you will – extended family, right at two months ago, were living in Monterrey, and they went down to Saltillo for an extended weekend with other friends, and they took their four kids, and they took their animals … at the dinner table the cartel comes marching in through the front door – takes the front door down – they shot Jose, his wife, four kids, and they killed the two animals. They bowed to everybody and they walked out. … in front of everybody else that was there at the dinner table. …. They were after Jose because he wouldn’t knuckle under to them in Monterrey because he was a businessman and he wouldn’t pay them off. (Monterrey, Mexico is about 2.5-3 hours South from the Texas border) … what makes this so damn bad is that they do this with absolute impunity. They don’t give a big rat’s ass one way or the other.This is the same drug cartel that has been threatening Rusty and his neighbors, and has designated Rusty #5 on their list of targets in Texas, because he has refused to knuckle under to them. Rusty warns that those same cartel thugs are now taking over the Texas side of the border, and will do to Americans what they have been doing to Mexicans, unless they are stopped at the border. In just one story of the many times his neighbors have been threatened by cartel underlings, Rusty told the story of his gravel partner:
He was out talking to a contractor, where he’d taken dirt before, and a couple of these twenty year old kids come up … and they told him off, that he needs to watch out about getting any more sand and dirt here, because I was on their list and if he wasn’t careful, they were gonna go after his family. He’s sixty-six years old. It’s he and his wife, and he’s got seven kids. They’re all married, they’ve all got kids, and he’s even got a couple of grandkids on the way and they all live on the same six acres. They’ve all got their own homes. …. If he comes in too often [to Rusty's ranch] and they see him, they’ll go to his family and they’ll take them all out.Rusty and Rob both describe how the Border Patrol is hamstrung by rules set from above, in Washington D.C. with the Border Patrol instructed not to engage with any armed cartel coming across. As Rob put it:
That’s correct. They can’t make any contact with armed cartel, or any armed person for that matter, so if there’s an armed terrorist, armed cartel, uhm, armed MS-13, coming across that border, they’re not allowed to make contact with them. They have to let them walk and call DPS (Texas Department of Public Safety]. And they come out and they arrest them on criminal charges. [what’s their response time?] “Maybe two hours.” So, in other words, it doesn’t happen. “Yeh, it doesn’t happen. It’s complete bogus is what it is. And there’s also Fish and Wildlife [land] down there owned by BLM that nobody is allowed to go on. Nobody. Border Patrol is not even allowed to chase people on it. … about ¾ of a mile [away from Rusty’s land]. We actually do patrol between that and the river [the Rio Grand which empties into the gulf of Mexico a couple miles east of their location] . And I know Border Patrol does as well, but they’re not supposed to. There’s a joke in the community here that the only people allowed on Fish and Wildlife land are the illegal immigrants.The Fish and Wildlife land Rob is talking about is approximately 900 acres, along a mile and a half of the border, which makes for a very large, wide open “free pass” zone for the cartels, terrorists, and gangs coming across the border. When asked “Have you seen National Guard of Texas, or Texas State Guard? Have you seen anybody?” Rob responded, with “no” and Rusty said:
The Texas State Guard are in the flimsy, cheap, probably Chinese made watch-towers. They’re not bullet proof, they’ve got glass on four sides and they posted them from McCallen, which is the North end of the Valley, to Loredo, which is about 200 miles. They’re not down here south.So, the small contingent of 1,000 National Guardsmen that Perry called up are doing nothing to stop the cartels from bringing drugs and people across on these ranches, or to protect these ranches from cartel intimidation, violence, and takeover. And that is why Rusty calls on Texans to “cowboy up” and help him and his neighbors stop the cartels and gangs from taking over the Texas side of the border. He has had veterans from across the country come to his ranch to help him protect himself from the cartels, but they need Texas veterans to step up and put more boots on the ground to keep the cartels from murdering these brave ranchers and their families.
Rusty’s message to his fellow Americans, and especially to Texas veterans is:
“These bastards [cartel members] are going through the valley, alright? They’re sending people up to Houston, St. Louis, any town where they’ve got a population over ten people, and they’re going up North to your backyards, moving in next door to you, they’re gonna be your neighbors, and think about it, if you’re doing shift work, and you go to work at night, or you’re going to the bowling league, and your wife and kids, your grandkids, are at home, these self-same guys are gonna walk in on your family. What the hell are you gonna do about it? You gonna come home, outside of crying are you gonna do anything, are you gonna do something now, before it gets to that point? I’m doing my crying all the day. Everyday. That’s my message to them. They’re going to your backyard. You’ve got a chance to stop em. Do you stand back, or do you go forward? There’s no backup in me. I want somebody to join me. Don’t backup to these bastards. Don’t. We got too much to lose. Don’t lose as much as I have, please. [in reference to his relatives in Mexico, who were recently killed by the cartel].Well, Texans? What’s your answer to this brave man’s call for your assistance? Texas veterans, will you let him stand alone, or will you stand with him in defense of Texas, an in defense of our nation?
In this interview, Rusty’s neighbor, Fernando, is interviewed by Barbie, with Patriot Information Hotline. Also on the interview is Rob, one of the patriot volunteers guarding Rusty’s ranch (as well as Fernando’s). Fernando is a retired fire-fighter (disabled in the line of duty) and father of three who has had to fight off attempted child abductions and home invasions. He and his older teenage son have to take turns pulling guard duty at night to keep their family safe. He tells of one incident where two illegals attempted to abduct his four year old son until he ran the off with his rifle. In the interview, Fernando tells how much the border has changed:
It used to be, years ago, they were coming in to find a better life, get some work, you could see the people, the kind of people coming through – you could tell that they were people wanting to work and provide for their families. The kind of people we’re having now, they’re not coming to work. These people coming through are full-grown men, all tattood … as soon as they hit our neighborhood, they start destroying our stuff, so they’re not here for any good.He tells how many of them have tattoos that are from the gangs they belong to in Mexico that are now coming to the U.S. and establishing a presence in the U.S. “The people up state, the politicians, keep saying that nothing like that is going on, I’ll invite them to my home, come spend the week with me, you’ll see what’s going on,” he says. When asked how many children has he seen coming across, he said “none.” He has seen large groups of up to fifty people, and they have all been adults, and primarily men. Fernando explains that the standing orders of the Border Patrol are:
They’re not even to draw their weapon on these people – if they can they are supposed to just continue on their way, move out and leave them alone. And to me, that puts my family in danger because that [open] gate is right at the end of my street. If they leave them alone , let them continue on their business, they’re going to end up on my property.As for the lies the American people are being told, Fernando says:
Don’t believe everything you hear in the news. There is something happening here, there is danger for the people that are living here right now, based on the way they’re handling the immigration problem. They’re allowing these people to come through our neighborhoods and those of us that are actually living here are the ones that are seeing it on a daily basis.Like Fernando, most of his neighbors are Hispanic, and they feel the same as he does about illegals being able to just walk onto their land:
When they have to deal with the same thing I’m dealing with, they don’t like it either. But a lot of these people, they don’t like to get involved because of fear that their family might be threatened, or they themselves might be threatened, because of the proximity with the border fence and the river, so, I mean I understand their fear, but the way I look at it is, this is my home, if I don’t stand up to these people, you know, sooner or later they’re going to want to take over, so, I’m not willing to let anybody take over.In response to the mainstream media spin that anyone who doesn’t want an open border and amnesty is a racist, he is asked if race has anything to do with it, and replies “no, it doesn’t have anything to do with racism. It has to do with a way of life, and safety for our families.” He notes that he himself is Hispanic and he has no problem with people immigrating, so long as they do it legally. “As long as they’re not threatening my family and my safety, my own home, I don’t have a problem with them. Do things the right way, like every citizen is expected to, follow the laws – and they should fall under the same rule – follow the laws and do it legally and I don’t have a problem with you,” he said. As for the volunteer American patriots coming down there to guard ranches, he said:
I’m very grateful. I’ve been able to get some sleep lately now that they’ve been down here. Because my son and I – I have an older son – and my son and I would end up taking turns at night, just making sure nobody’s in here. And so now, we get to sleep. That was a luxury we didn’t have before, because we had to end up being up all night sometimes.Now, the reality on the border is clear. In addition, we have spoken with numerous current-serving and retired Border Patrol agents in Texas, and to several land owners who have already fled their ranches because of the cartels, and they all back up what Rusty, Rob, and Fernando say about what is really going on along the Texas border with Mexico. The truth is plain to see for those who will look.
The only question remaining is what Texans are going to do about it. Help will not come from the government, either state or federal. Not in time. There is too much corruption and cowardice among those in power as well as willful violation of their oaths. By the time you root out that corruption, cowardice, and willful oath breaking within government, these brave ranchers and their families will all be dead. No, what will count now is whether enough individual Texans will step up to help Rusty, Fernando, and the other brave ranchers along the border in their stand against the cartels.
As Rusty and Rob asked during their interview, where are all the Texas veterans? Well, men of Texas, what is your answer? The desperate, but brave final request for help that Col. Travis wrote from the Alamo was not answered in time to save him and his men from being overrun. Will this modern request for help from brave Texans be answered in time? As with Col. Travis and his men, there will be no retreat, no surrender. Like Rusty said, there’s no back-up in him. All that remains to be seen is if Texans will step up to provide back-up FOR him.
Men of Texas, what is your answer? You have received a direct request for aid from a fellow Texan in need, who is under attack by foreign enemies, while he has been intentionally exposed to their privations by domestic enemies.
Again, where are all the Texas veterans? What are they waiting for? They need to take the lead in assisting these ranchers. In particular, where are all the retired Texas military officers, Senior NCOs, and experienced field NCOs, who can provide the competent, experienced TEXAS leadership that it will take to protect these ranches in an effective manner? They need to step up now, and if they do, we are confident that the people of Texas will volunteer to help, in the finest tradition of Texans past.
Just as the people of Mexico have begun to come together to protect themselves and each other from the cartels because their corrupt government refuses to protect them, so too must Americans come together to defend themselves and each other against the cartels because our corrupt government refuses to protect us. We need to show that America is still the land of the free, and the home of the brave.
And the veterans of Texas need to lead the way.
For the Republic,
Oath Keepers
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